Session Details

Dr. Haifaa Younis

The Road to Jannah: Climbing the Rocky Mountain

By Dr. Haifaa Younis

18:40 - 19:25 Oct 12, 2024


In Islam, the journey of a believer toward eternal life in Jannah is not necessarily easy. It is filled with challenges, difficulties, and perseverance. It requires spiritual effort, patience, sacrifice and an unwavering commitment to one’s faith. Just as a climber doesn’t give up despite the obstacles, believers are called to remain steadfast in the face of life’s challenges, knowing that the eternal reward of Jannah far outweighs the temporary difficulties of this world.By remaining faithful, enduring hardships with patience, and constantly striving for self-improvement, believers can traverse the rocky road of life and reach the ultimate summit: eternal peace and joy in Jannah, in the presence of Allah.

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